Thursday, February 4, 2010

RSA Algorithm Performance Analysis Thesis

Along with the times and the ever-expanding multimedia network, the process of sending and accessing digital images easier, too. This convenience makes each person can freely exchange the information they want, so we need a system of protection of data. Protection of data in a digital system can be a method criptography and Digital watermarking method. Criptography method of randomization method of data into ciphertext using a key criptography. Criptography focus to security at the data penditribusian process. Digital watermarking method is a method of inserting data with a watermark data. Digital watermarking focused on copyright protection of data.

End Task aims to develop a system image Digital watermarking using Haar wavelet transformation level one. RSA algorithm which is one of the keys to be used as a scrambler criptography watermark data in the form of images and Independent Component Analysis as a watermark extraction. RSA algorithm based encryption and decryption process on the concept of prime numbers and arithmetic Modulo so expect the watermark image is not easily detected and the security of the watermark data can be improved. Free pdf files

Parameters that affect the performance image systems with randomization Digital watermarking watermarked image using the RSA algorithm mean square error (MSE) and mean opinion score (MOS). The results simulation Digital watermarking image system with the RSA algorithm MSE values 10-14% 1:48 * Digital watermarking for images without noise interference. Test reliability of Digital watermarking scheme is done by giving interference noise, JPEG compression, and rescaling the image watermark. Based on the simulation test results can be known given the value of MSE when the uniform noise is 13.9176%, for JPEG compression 42.9841% and 42.6666% for rescaling.

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